
EMI offers multiple services. Clients can sign up to receive the broiler commodity price reports, poultry analytics, red meat analytics, and our “Vital Signs” newsletter. Clients who enroll in poultry or red meat analytics also receive free access to monthly webinars. For those who want insights across the broader animal protein complex, discounts may be offered when enrolling in multiple services . Please contact us for more information on the option that best suits your business needs.

Broiler Commodity Reports

EMI publishes broiler commodity prices on approximately 400 million pounds weekly, involving 65 fresh and frozen categories. Price reports are based on actual invoice transactions sent electronically from primary producers to EMI, and are independent of data submissions to our parent company Agri Stats. In addition to providing price reports across multiple contract types, EMI also generates a Daily Negotiated Spot Market report which provides more detailed price discovery of surplus commodity transactions.

Poultry Market Analytics

EMI’s economists construct industry forecasts and provide detailed commentaries which benefit our clients with market visibility. This forward-looking analysis can be utilized for a multitude of planning purposes. Forecasts include, but are not limited to production, supply, prices, feed ingredients, industry cost and returns, exports, and international trade. Talking points include broiler cost and returns, broiler markets, broiler production, turkey production and price, commercial eggs, and outlooks for competing meats.

Broiler Market Recaps

EMI provides a weekly report which analyzes basic supply and demand fundamentals of U.S. broiler markets. These reports typically include data and insights regarding broiler live production, RTC supply, broiler exports, and other key drivers of supply and demand derived specifically from USDA data. This recap also includes weekly EMI price comparisons of various broiler products based on our proprietary broiler commodity reports.

Egg Market Recaps

EMI provides a monthly report which analyzes basic supply and demand fundamentals of commercial egg markets based on USDA data. These reports typically include data and insights regarding U.S. table egg flock size, egg production, cartooned egg prices, and breaking stock prices. This recap also includes periodic USDA price comparisons of various commercial egg products.

Turkey Market Recaps

EMI provides a monthly report which analyzes basic supply and demand fundamentals of U.S. turkey markets based on USDA data. These reports typically include data and insights regarding turkey live production, RTC supply, frozen inventory, and other key drivers of supply and demand. This recap also includes periodic USDA price comparisons of various turkey products.

Red Meat Market Analytics

EMI’s economists construct industry forecasts and provide detailed commentaries which benefit our clients with market visibility derived from USDA databases. This forward-looking analysis can be utilized for a multitude of planning purposes. Forecasts include production, supply, prices, feed ingredients, industry cost and returns, exports, and international trade. Pricing forecasts address primals, sub-primals, and trim for both beef and pork.

Beef Market Recaps

EMI provides a monthly beef report which analyzes basic supply and demand fundamentals of U.S. beef markets. These reports typically include data and insights regarding total cattle inventories, fed cattle supplies, slaughter, production, cut-out values, grading spreads, and other key supply and demand components reported by USDA.

Pork Market Recaps

EMI provides a monthly pork report which analyzes basic supply and demand fundamentals of U.S. hog markets. These reports typically include data and insights regarding total hog inventories, slaughter, production, cold storage, primal pricing, and other key market drivers reported by USDA.

Feed Ingredient Reports

EMI provides a periodic report which analyzes basic supply and demand fundamentals of key feed ingredients including corn and soybeans. This analysis is a key component of the monthly webcasts for Poultry and Red Meat Analytics, and typically include USDA data and insights regarding weather, planting, harvest, exports, carry-over and other key drivers of supply and demand.

Petfood Ingredient Reports

EMI provides a monthly report which analyzes basic supply and demand fundamentals of key ingredients used in the manufacturing of petfood. These reports typically include data and insights regarding poultry, beef, pork protein by-products. Data and insights are generated from various data sources including EMI proprietary broiler price discovery reports, as well as, the USDA.

Vital Signs Newsletter

Vital Signs is a monthly publication containing market recaps, industry trends and articles written by EMI economists and associates. The articles cover a wide range of current issues impacting the beef, pork, broiler, turkey, egg, and feed ingredient industries. Archived issues are available.

Brazilian Broiler Commodity Reports

EMI publishes daily broiler commodity prices on major fresh and frozen categories in Brazil. Reported prices are based on actual invoiced transactions sent to EMI from primary producers in Brazil. In addition to providing a national daily price, EMI also provides a range, volume, the number of transactions, and other pertinent data that is associated with each reported commodity price. These reports are available to both producers, buyers, and allied industry clients.

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